Wednesday, January 30, 2008

PSP Dialing Those Digits...

Well if you don't already own a PSP, then you may want to get one soon. There is a new firmware update 3.90 that will be available in Europe and U.S that will enable PSP owners to make free calls to Skype users on the internet anywhere around the world. You can also make calls to landlines and mobiles for a fee. The catch is that you have to own the PSP Slim, so if you already own the regular PSP, you'll have to spend more money to go out and buy a slim one. Well hopefully for Sony, people who don't already own a PSP will go out and get one. Is it worth current owners to go out and get a new PSP rather than using Skype from their computer? Well, if you get the PSP Slim and want to download the update, heres the link...update

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